Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Shaking Things Up

Oh my,  It has been time since I have blogged.  I'm in a bloggy mood today and it's high time to start writing. 
There are a couple reasons that have pushed me into a writing mood.  It's never very far from my mind, but somehow the time to write seems harder to carve into a schedule than other, equally important, things.  I wonder how other people do it, actually.  But I have decided that I'm most successful at it when I simply do it in short bursts in between the other things that are also necessary and harder to rearrange.  So I'm practicing that, in these months leading up to Nanowrimo 2016. 

I read a book this weekend (actually, I read several , in addition to finishing off the next to last Outlander book).  It is called Finding Fraser, by KC Dryer.  And I LOVED it.  The main character, Emma, has come to the realization that she needs a change in her life, she is a great fan out Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon, and decides to sell everything she owns, and travel around Scotland in search of her own Jamie Fraser.  She sets up a travel blog to document her journey, and has a wonderful adventure.  

It was wonderfully written and put the itch in me to write a travel blog.  But I have too many responsibilities to sell everything and travel the world to write about it.  Emma didn't have kids at home that needed help with their homework and to be driven places.  So I'm going to focus on the blogs that I already have, and focus on keeping those up to date for awhile.  I don't have a burning desire to travel alone or on the cheap anyway.  :)

The other catalyst is that Nanowrimo is coming up and I'd like to *WIN* again.  In order to do that I have to pull together a story to write.  For the last few years (yes years, it's disappointing) I have had only the whisps of a story.  I have very feathery ideas that I can't seem to pull together into a real story.  I keep thinking that I'm going to write until they gel, but the haven't seemed to do that yet.  So I need to take a different approach.  I'm not certain what that approach is going to be yet.  But I will be haunting the Nano forums soon looking for some inspiration.  Anyone out there care to share how they have come up with their stories?  I'm all ears! 

This is going to be a good year for Nano.  I can feel it.