Tuesday, May 24, 2011


My story was on my mind this morning for the first time in a while.  I'm hoping I can still rescue it, and I will be taking a look at it again this summer.  But it's also time to get serious about brainstorming the next one. I have a few basic ideas that need developed.  Our family will be taking a trip in a few weeks.  I plan to have pen and paper with me so I can work out outlines while travelling.  Plans like that never go as I think they will, so we will see, and I will be prepared.

It's almost summer.  It hit me yesterday that everything will be changing soon.  I usually like change.  I'm not looking forward to it this time.  I feel like I just got here, and I'm not ready for everything to be different yet.  Not much to be done but to muddle through it all and make the best of it.  I'm sure it's a good change and positive things will come from it somehow. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

New project?

There is a new writing project on the drawing board.  Someone I admire would like me to write some very special books with her.  These books would be geared towards children and travel.  I'm very excited to work out details with her and draw up some outlines.  This is not a small undertaking, I'm sure.  I hope that I can keep up with her cleverness.  More information to come during the summer.