Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I did it!  I have logged my 3rd Nano Win!

I don't have to tell you that I'm pretty excited, but I will.  I'm pretty excited about this!

This story budded in late October.  I was starting to panic because I didn't have a plot yet.  But then there it was.  It evolved over the course of the month.  There is a lot at the front that isn't going to stay because of the direction the story took, but every word written helped lead me there, so they are all important.

If anyone ever has a desire to participate in Nano in the future, I'll give you a tip here.  Go all in.  Sign up. Fill out the profile on the website. Make buddies on the site. Participate in the forums. Donate something, even if it's a dollar.  Go to the write in's.  Go all in and invest in the process.  Get to know your Municipal Liaisons, we are there to give you encouragement.

It really does help to be part of the community.  It helps to feel supported.  You will learn tricks and tidbits that help with your word count and creative process.

Not to mention it is FUN!

I cannot put this novel to the side and make a promise to edit later.  I know me. I won't get back to it.  I would probably have to start over.  I have to do at least some editing now.  Now, when I know what is missing at the beginning.  Now, when I still have the *feelings* that I tried to convey.  So, I will, make the promise to keep going.  This has now become Decembers Problem, and it is almost December.

I am looking forward to reading some books again though.  I haven't felt like I could pick up a book all month.  Not without guilt that I could be writing instead. There is a stack.  I didn't stop collecting them in November, I just paused on reading them.

Celebration and TGIO party is upcoming.  I'll put editing in my planner and see how that goes.  I've never edited a book before.  This is going to be a first.

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