Sunday, June 20, 2010

Good Author

I'm reading a great series of books, by an author that I really like. If you have talked to me at all, recently, I will have already told you about it. The characters speak just to me and I participate in their adventure.
I don't think I can write like that. This series has a cult following. I have "liked" it on Facebook myself. I have read the authors blog and various excerpts from her books that I haven't made it to yet. However, Stephanie Meyers has the same type of following and I don't consider her a *good* author at all. But that's not fair. She *did* write 4 books that have people in a twitter. Someone wanted to read the books again and again. And the stories are being told and shared in movie form now.

So, what defines a good author? Is it their use of words in classic form? Or is it the mood that a person can create with those words? Or a combination of the two?

I suppose I shouldn't stress out about it too much. I just want to write. I hope, someday, someone will want to read what I wrote. But that is basically a dream that I have to work toward still. The aforementioned author wrote her first book as a "practice novel". It's my favorite of the ones I have read so far. She claims no intention of having it published.

Dreaming? Possibly, but you have to start somewhere.

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