Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolution

I'm making resolutions this year.  I think I always do, but I don't always write them down and plan them out appropriately.  So I'm making a bigger effort on that front this year. 

I am excited about having y-writer now.  I used it to write in Nano2012.  But not to its full extent.  This year I would really like to use it as it's meant to be used and draft out my Nano2013 story in advance of the crazy month of November.  I have a story brewing in my mind that I had planned to write in 2012.  I went a different direction last year, so the story still needs telling.  I have a few notes scattered here and there.  Maybe more than a few.  There might be enough for a very basic outline.  Basic, but an outline for the entire story.  It needs rounding out.  It needs better characters.  It needs a lot, but it's a start. 

So, I plan to make time each month to do a step in story telling.  I'm adding it to my calendar/planner.

For Christmas, my father gave me a 24 lecture CD course on writing.  I'm both dreading and excited to start that course.  And it has become a resolution to finish it by my birthday. 

My calendar is filling up with all the plans I'm making....

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