Monday, October 11, 2010

Am I crazy?

I guess I must be a little crazy just for entering Nanowrimo, again.  Especially with all the other stuff I'm trying to accomplish in the next few months.   But that isn't what I am refering to. 

I was at a friends house this weekend, working on a crafty project together.  She knows that I plan to write during the month of November, and she asked about my story.  I have quite a bit of the plot worked out already so I told her a little bit about it.  I didn't even go into great detail, there was a lot I left out because I'm not sure how it's going to fit, and I wasn't sure how serious my friend was in hearing about the story.  She may have just been being polite.   She looked at me like I had grown horns!!  That made me feel quite foolish.  She asked a couple questions, but the conversation pretty much ended when kids interupted.  The last thing she said was "It makes me wonder what your life was like at that age" (the age of my character).

I'm not going to say that I can't identify with Piper (my character), but she isn't modeled after me!!  I think there has to be some of me in her (afterall, I know me better than anyone else, it's easy to know what I might do in a certain situation, and therefore Piper).  But she isn't me.  She is just someone who talks to me in my head.... (Yep, I'm crazy)


  1. Well, if you are crazy then you definitely should be with the rest of us Wrimo's.

    I totally get what you're talking about. The story I'm working on now has a girl from a broken home. I actually chose that because I had a good childhood with a full home and it breaks my heart to think of someone with out that.
    So ya, write the story that resonates with you. And be careful talking too much about stories-in-progress to "normals" (non-writers). It's not horrible or anything, but new stories are like baby plants, they need to be protected and non-writers tend to not watch where they stomp.

    Wow, that’s a long comment. Sorry:-P

    Good luck with NaNoWriMo!

    ML for CDA

  2. You say crazy like its a bad thing or something. If you are indeed crazy then I am in good company, I went out of my mind a long time ago.
    I don't go out of my way to discuss my book with anyone, beyond "I am trying to write a book." Most people don't even ask what about, and I would be vague if they did. The way I see it, this book is for me. If I ever choose to write another, it can be for the masses.
    So if I gave advise I would say "write this one for you, if your happy with it then share it" (but of course you can share with me anytime)
